The Administration of Holy Family Fathers and Brothers of the Youth
The Institute of the Holy Family Fathers and Brothers of the Youth had her Second General Chapter from 2nd to 8th March, 2024 at the Generalate House in Okija, Anambra State, Nigeria. During the Chapter the following were elected to the General Council.
Rev. Fr. Samuel Chukwunonso Ezikwelu, HFFBY- Superior General
And the elected General Councillors:
Rev. Fr. Paul Chimezie Esieme, HFFBY- Vicar General
Rev. Fr. Cletus Ifeanyichukwu Okonkwo, HFFBY- Councilor
Rev. Fr. Simon Ikechukwu Muogbo, HFFBY- Councilor
Rev. Fr. Modestus Tobechukwu Ihediuche, HFFBY- Councilor

We are grateful to God, and thankful to all who prayed for the success of the Chapter. We rely on your continuous prayers for the Institute and for our elected brothers.
May God be praised!